Monday, October 31, 2011

Specimen #8: Mnium cuspidatum

                                           Figure 1: Close up of leaves

                                            Figure 2: Sporophyte

                                           Figure 3: Leaves arranged around the stem

Name: Mnium (Plagiomnium) cuspidatum
Family: Mniaceae
Common Name: woodsy moss
Collection Date:  October 20, 2011
Habitat: Growing under a tree
Location: The Nature Realm
Description: "Plants in dark green to yellow-green mats with fertile stems erect, 1-2cm high, on shaded soil and rocks, widespread in North America..(Conrad and Redfearn,1979)." 
Collector: Kelcie Cuckler

Key used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plant with stems and leaves,.. rhizoids multicellular,.. no elaters in capsule.. 2
2b. Plants not sphagnidae.. 3
3b. Plants not andreaeidae.. p.28 subclass bryidae

Key to Genera
1b. Green, brown, yellow plants.. not in 2 or 3 layers.. 3
3b. Leaves inserted in 3 or more rows.. 7
7b. Plants with a peristome of more than 4 teeth.. 8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent.. 9
9b. Capsule and leaves not as above.. 10
10b. Plants without a distinct stem, capsule with operculum.. 17
17b. Plants minute to large, capsules minute to exerted.. 20
20b. Leaves without photosynthetic outgrowths.. 28
28b. Plants don't only grow on organic matter.. peristome single or double.. 33
33a. Stems erect, unbranched, generally in tufts.. 34
34b. Leaves, especially bases, not as above.. 36
36b. Leaf cells smooth.. 83
83b. Plant growing on soil, rock, or trees but not forming long creeping stems.. 85
85b. Larger mosses, stems usually 4 mm or more tall, if minute, with persistent protonema.. 91
91b. Leaves in 5 ranks.. 92
92b. Leaves 1-5 times as long as broad.. 111
111b. Leaves bright or dark green.. 115
115b. Upper leaf cells quadrate, hexagonal, rhombic, or short-rectangular, 6 times or less as long as wide.. 118
118b. Upper leaf cells hexagonal, rhombic, or short-rectangular.. 125
125a. Marginal cells similar to those of lamina.. 132
132a. Upper leaf cells with pointed ends.. 133
133b. Plants not dendroid, smaller, to 5cm tall though usually smaller.. (p.129) Mnium
Key to Species
1b. Margins of leaves toothed.. 3
3b. Leaves with a border of elongated cells.. 4
4b. Marginal teeth single.. 8
8b. Erect fruiting stem arising from horizontal from horizontal runners.. 9
9b. Leaf cells longer in one axis than another, not precisely hexagonal.. 10
10b. Leaves much less broadly decurrent or not at all.. 11
11a. Leaves serrate only in upper 1/2 or 2/3.. Mnium cuspidatum

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