Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Specimen #5 Delicate Thuidium Moss

                                           Figure 1: Leaf of fern-like moss
                                           Figure 2: Capsule
                                           Figure 3: Peristome teeth
                                          Figure 4: Mat-like structure of the moss growing on a log

Name: Thuidium delicatulum
Family:  Thuidiaceae
Collection Date:  October 4, 2011
Habitat: Growing on a piece of wood near a stream in the cave
Location: West Woods
Description: "Plants in robust green or yellow-green mats, stem 3-8cm long, spreading or arched-ascending, on soil, humus, decaying wood, rocks, or tree bases, in moist areas (Conrad and Redfearn, 1979)."
Collector: Kelcie Cuckler

Key used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plant with stems and leaves,.. rhizoids multicellular,.. no elaters in capsule.. 2
2b. Plants not sphagnidae.. 3
3b. Plants not andreaeidae.. p.28 subclass bryidae

Key to Genera
1b. Green, brown, yellow plants.. not in 2 or 3 layers.. 3
3b. Leaves inserted in 3 or more rows.. 7
7b. Plants with a peristome of more than 4 teeth.. 8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent.. 9
9b. Capsule and leaves not as above.. 10
10b. Plants without a distinct stem, capsule with operculum.. 17
17b. Plants minute to large, capsules minute to exerted.. 20
20b. Leaves without photosynthetic outgrowths.. 28
28b. Plants don't only grow on organic matter.. peristome single or double.. 33
33b. Stems creeping or ascending, usually extensively branched, in interwoven mats.. 139
139a. Leaves papillose, or at least on dorsal side and upper half of leaf.. 140
140b. Papillae located over the cell-cavity.. 150
150b. Plants not conspicuously fern-like or dendroid.. 152
152b. Leaves no oval, rounded at apex.. 153
153b. Leaves with single costa reaching the middle of leaf or beyond in some.. 159
159b. Plants not complanate.. 160
160b. Capsule when present exserted beyond perichaetial leaves.. 161
161b. Papillae not forming a single row over the center of cells.. 163
163b. Papillae smaller, often several or one cell.. 164
164b. Paraphyllia numerous, filamentous, mostly branched.. 172
172b. Paraphyllia not attached to leaves.. 173
173a. Apical cell of branch leaves crowned with 2-4 papillae.. p.174 Thuidium
Key to Species
1b. Plants large to robust; leaf cells stoutly unipapillose.. 4
4b. Stems 2-3 pinnate, spreading or curved-ascending.. 5
5b. Steam leaves erect, papillae near middle of cell.. 6
6a. Steam leaves not ending in a capillary point; perichaetial leaves ciliate.. 7
7a. Stems regularly bi- or tripinnately branched; inner perichaetial ending in a hair point.. Thuidium delicatulum  

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