Thursday, November 17, 2011

Specimen #15 Platygyrium repens

                                                Figure 1: Platygyrium growing under a tree

                                            Figure 2: Close up of the arrangement of leaves

                                           Figure 3: An individual leaf

Name: Platygyrium repens
Family:  Hypnaceae

Common Name: Platydictya moss 
Collection Date:  September 14, 2011
Habitat: Growing in the soil underneath a tree
Location: The South Chagrin Reservation
Description: "Plants in flat, dark-, yellowish-, golden-, or brownish-green, glossy mats, branches ascending, usually bearing clusters of minute gemmae, capsules erect and symmetric, on logs, tree trunks, rocks, throughout eastern North America (Conrad and Redfearn, 1979)."
Collector: Kelcie Cuckler

Key used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plant with stems and leaves,.. rhizoids multicellular,.. no elaters in capsule.. 2
2b. Plants not sphagnidae.. 3
3b. Plants not andreaeidae.. p.28 subclass bryidae

Key to Genera/Species
1b. Green, brown, yellow plants.. not in 2 or 3 layers.. 3
3b. Leaves inserted in 3 or more rows.. 7
7b. Plants with a peristome of more than 4 teeth.. 8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent.. 9
9b. Capsule and leaves not as above.. 10
10b. Plants without a distinct stem, capsule with operculum.. 17
17b. Plants minute to large, capsules minute to exerted.. 20
20b. Leaves without photosynthetic outgrowths.. 28
28b. Plants don't only grow on organic matter.. peristome single or double.. 33
33b. Stems creeping or ascending, usually extensively branched, in interwoven mats.. 139
139b. Leaves smooth; more or less glossy.. 174
174b. Paraphyllia or multicellular propagula few or none, usually not seen, if numerous, then plants complanate.. 182
182b. Costa single and strong to short and/or double to absent.. 183
183b. Costa single, reaching the middle of the leaf or beyond to lacking, or short and/or double..184
184b. Costa lacking, or short and/or double.. 230
230b. Plants terrestrial.., not in areas where subject to long periods of submergence in flowing water or growing in water.. 231
231b. Median leaf cells long to very long.. 239
239a. Leaves with one inflated cell at extreme basal angle, and many quadrate cells; tips of shoots crowded with gemmae.. (p.209) Platygyrium repens 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Specimen #14 Marchantia polymorpha

                                                    Figure 1: Growing on the side of a rock cliff

                                            Figure 2: Close up of the thallus pores
Name: Marchantia polymorpha
Family: Marchantiaceae

Common Name: Umbrella liverwort 
Collection Date:  September 14, 2011
Habitat: On the side of a rock wall
Location: South Chagrin Reservation
Description: "Thalli 4-6cm long, pale to dark green, pores barrell-shappped, on damp soil, rocks, throughout North America (Conrad and Redfearn, 1979)."
Collector: Kelcie Cuckler
Key used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1b.Plants with stems and leaves, the larger leaves in two rows on the stem and a third row of leaves...present, ...sporophyte short-lived.....4
4b. Plants ...leafy,....sporophyte with sphaerical or ellipsoidal capsule...5
5a. Plants strongly flattened without distinction between stem and leaf... 6
6a. Opaque thallus.. rhizoids of two kinds.. sporophyte capsule not dividing regularly into four valves... p.239 Order Marchantiales
Key to Genera
1a. Pores visible without lens... 8
8a.Thalli with open or half cups of disc-shaped gemmae on the thallus; archegonia on the underside of long-fingered umbrellas.. 9
9a. Gemmae cups round, fringed; thalli with thin scales along the margin beneath; air pores elliptic.. (p.284) Marchantia

Key to Species
1a. Thallus about 1cm wide, without schlerenchymatous cells; gemmae cups with surface papillae; ventral scales in 6 or more rows.. Marchantia polymorpha

*Note: This liverwort did not have gemmae cups or the fingered umbrella like they normally exibt when I found it, but I still think it is Marchantia polymorpha.  I think I may have found it before it had developed those features.


Specimen #13 Amblystegium varium

                                           Figure 1: Leaves of Amblystegium
                                           Figure 2: Close up of leaf

                                           Figure 3: The sporophyte 

Name: Amblystegium varium
Family:  Amblystegiaceae
Collection Date:  September 14, 2011
Habitat: Growing on a rock
Location: South Chagrin Reservation
Description: "Plants small, in yellowish or green mats, on soil, humus, logs, rocks of moist shady habitats, widespread in North America (Conrad and Redfearn, 1979)."
Collector: Kelcie Cuckler

Key used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plant with stems and leaves,.. rhizoids multicellular,.. no elaters in capsule.. 2
2b. Plants not sphagnidae.. 3
3b. Plants not andreaeidae.. p.28 subclass bryidae

Key to Genera/Species
1b. Green, brown, yellow plants.. not in 2 or 3 layers.. 3
3b. Leaves inserted in 3 or more rows.. 7
7b. Plants with a peristome of more than 4 teeth.. 8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent.. 9
9b. Capsule and leaves not as above.. 10
10b. Plants without a distinct stem, capsule with operculum.. 17
17b. Plants minute to large, capsules minute to exerted.. 20
20b. Leaves without photosynthetic outgrowths.. 28
28b. Plants don't only grow on organic matter.. peristome single or double.. 33
33b. Stems creeping or ascending, usually extensively branched, in interwoven mats.. 139
139b. Leaves smooth; more or less glossy.. 174
174b. Paraphyllia or multicellular propagula few or none, usually not seen, if numerous, then plants complanate.. 182
182b. Costa single and strong to short and/or double to absent.. 183
183b. Costa single, reaching the middle of the leaf or beyond to lacking, or short and/or double..184
184a. Costa single, reaching the middle of the leaf or beyond.. 185
185b. Terrestrial, on dry or wet substrates, not normally submerged.. 192
192b. Plants not dendroid.. 193
193b. Leaves no distinctly bordered.. 194

194b. Leaves narrowly lanceolate to ovate.. 196
196b. Leaves ovate to lanceolate, rarely falcate, never circinate.. 197
197a. Median leaf cells short.. 198
198b. Cell walls thin, of equal thickness all around.. 205
205b. Leaves entire or slightly denticulate on lower half.. 207
207b. Leaves erect, spreading or appressed, not squarrose spreading.. 208
208b. Leaves erect or appressed.. 209
209b. Capsules curved, strongly contracted under the mouth when dry.. 211
211b. Costa strong or weak, ending below the apex.. 212
212a. Margins entire.. (p.182) Amblystegium

Key to Species
1b. Costa strong, reaching apex of leaf or nearly so.. Amblystegium varium


Monday, November 14, 2011

Specimen #12 Bryoandersonia illecebra

                                          Figure 1: Bryoandersonia growing in the wild

                                          Figure 2: Close up of the leaves

                                           Figure 3: Another view of the leaves

                                          Figure 4: One leaf isolated 

Name: Bryoandersonia illecebra
Family:  Brachytheciaceae
Collection Date:  October 22, 2011
Habitat: Growing in the soil on the ground
Location: The Nature Realm
Description: "Plants robust, in extensive light to golden or brownish mats, branches julaceous, erect, leaves closely imbricate, on soil, rock ledges, throughout the eastern United States.. (Conrad and Redfearn, 1979)."
Collector: Kelcie Cuckler

Key used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plant with stems and leaves,.. rhizoids multicellular,.. no elaters in capsule.. 2
2b. Plants not sphagnidae.. 3
3b. Plants not andreaeidae.. p.28 subclass bryidae

Key to Genera/Species
1b. Green, brown, yellow plants.. not in 2 or 3 layers.. 3
3b. Leaves inserted in 3 or more rows.. 7
7b. Plants with a peristome of more than 4 teeth.. 8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent.. 9
9b. Capsule and leaves not as above.. 10
10b. Plants without a distinct stem, capsule with operculum.. 17
17b. Plants minute to large, capsules minute to exerted.. 20
20b. Leaves without photosynthetic outgrowths.. 28
28b. Plants don't only grow on organic matter.. peristome single or double.. 33
33b. Stems creeping or ascending, usually extensively branched, in interwoven mats.. 139
139b. Leaves smooth; more or less glossy.. 174
174b. Paraphyllia or multicellular propagula few or none, usually not seen, if numerous, then plants complanate.. 182
182b. Costa single and strong to short and/or double to absent.. 183
183b. Costa single, reaching the middle of the leaf or beyond to lacking, or short and/or double..184
184a. Costa single, reaching the middle of the leaf or beyond.. 185
185b. Terrestrial, on dry or wet substrates, not normally submerged.. 192
192b. Plants not dendroid.. 193
193b. Leaves no distinctly bordered.. 194
194a. Leaves nearly circular, appressed, deeply concave, with abrupt slender tips; shoots fat and cylindric.. 195
195a. Apex ending abruptly in a short twisted point.. (p.198) Bryoandersonia illecebra


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Specimen #11 Callicladium Moss

                                           Figure 1: Sporophyte (the seta is very red and bright)

                                           Figure 2: Close up of leaves

                                           Figure 3: Callicladium growing on a decaying log

Name: Callicladium haldanianum
Family:  Hypnaceae
Collection Date:  October 22, 2011
Habitat: Growing on a piece of decaying wood
Location: The Nature Realm
Description: "Plants in loose, dark to brownish green, wide mats, leaves entire.., on soil, logs, tree trunks and bases, rocks.. (Conrad and Redfearn, 1979)."
Collector: Kelcie Cuckler

Key used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plant with stems and leaves,.. rhizoids multicellular,.. no elaters in capsule.. 2
2b. Plants not sphagnidae.. 3
3b. Plants not andreaeidae.. p.28 subclass bryidae

Key to Genera/Species
1b. Green, brown, yellow plants.. not in 2 or 3 layers.. 3
3b. Leaves inserted in 3 or more rows.. 7
7b. Plants with a peristome of more than 4 teeth.. 8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent.. 9
9b. Capsule and leaves not as above.. 10
10b. Plants without a distinct stem, capsule with operculum.. 17
17b. Plants minute to large, capsules minute to exerted.. 20
20b. Leaves without photosynthetic outgrowths.. 28
28b. Plants don't only grow on organic matter.. peristome single or double.. 33
33b. Stems creeping or ascending, usually extensively branched, in interwoven mats.. 139
139b. Leaves smooth; more or less glossy.. 174
174b. Paraphyllia or multicellular propagula few or none, usually not seen, if numerous, then plants complanate.. 182
182b. Costa single and strong to short and/or double to absent.. 183
183b. Costa single, reaching the middle of the leaf or beyond to lacking, or short and/or double..184
184b. Costa lacking, or short and/or double.. 230
230b. Plants terrestrial.., not in areas where subject to long periods of submergence in flowing water or growing in water.. 231
231b. Median leaf cells long to very long.. 239
239b. Leaves not as above.. 240
240a. Leaves with several distinctly inflated alar cells.. 241
241b. Alar cells in a cluster, inflated.. 242
242b. Alar cells more numerous, less inflated, ,thicker walled, often colored.. 244
244b. Leaves not as above.. 245
245b. Leaves complanate.. 249
249a. Leaves shiny, not falcate-secund; alar cells in a cluster, enlarged and clear.. 250
250a. Leaves entire.. (p. 216) Callicladium haldanianum

Monday, November 7, 2011

Specimen #10 Hair Cap Moss

                                           Figure 1: Hair cap moss growing in the soil

                                           Figure 2: Close up of the leaves

                                           Figure 3: Another view of the leaves

Name: Polytrichum commune
Family:  Polytrichaceae
Common Name: hair cap moss
Collection Date:  October 22, 2011
Habitat: Growing in the soil on the side of a hill
Location: The Nature Realm 
Description: "Robust, dark-green or brownish plants in loose dense tufts, on soil and in moist areas, widespread in North America.. (Conrad and Redfearn, 1979)."
Kelcie Cuckler

Key used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plant with stems and leaves,.. rhizoids multicellular,.. no elaters in capsule.. 2
2b. Plants not sphagnidae.. 3
3b. Plants not andreaeidae.. p.28 subclass bryidae
Key to Genera
1b. Green, brown, yellow plants.. not in 2 or 3 layers.. 3
3b. Leaves inserted in 3 or more rows.. 7
7b. Plants with a peristome of more than 4 teeth.. 8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent.. 9
9b. Capsule and leaves not as above.. 10
10b. Plants without a distinct stem, capsule with operculum.. 17
17b. Plants minute to large, capsules minute to exerted.. 20
 20a. Leaves with filiform green photosynthetic outgrowths on upper surface or lamellae.. 21
21b. Leaves with vertical lamellae on upper surface.. 23
23b. Leaves toothed on margin or with translucent sides folded over upper surface.. 24
24b. Lamellae on upper surface of leave more than 20; calyptra hairy.. 27
27b. Capsule 4-6 angled, calyptra slightly hairy; leaves entire to serrate.. p.227 Polytrichum

Key to Species
1b. End cells of lamellae smooth; calyptra hairy.. 2
2b. Leaves ending in an awn.. 3
3b. Margins of leaf scarcely taller than lamellae.. 5
5b. End cells peculiar in shape and thickening of walls.. 7
7a. End cells notched with thickened walls.. Polytrichum commune

Specimen #9 Fissidens taxifolius

                                           Figure 1: Close up of Fissidens
                                           Figure 2: Leaves arranged spirally around the stem

Name: Fissidens taxifolius
Collection Date: October 20, 2011
Habitat: Moist soil bank right off of a trail
Location: The Nature Realm
Description: "Plants small, 4-8 mm tall, on calcareous soil and rocks, bases of trees.. widespread in eastern North America..(Conrad and Redfearn,1979)." 
Collector: Kelcie Cuckler

Key used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plant with stems and leaves,.. rhizoids multicellular,.. no elaters in capsule.. 2
2b. Plants not sphagnidae.. 3
3b. Plants not andreaeidae.. p.28 subclass bryidae

Key to Genera
1b. Green, brown, yellow plants.. not in 2 or 3 layers.. 3
3a. Leaves inserted on the stem in two rows.. 4
4a. Leaves appearing split at the base consisting of two vaginant laminae which clasp the stem as well as the base of the leaf above.. (p. 62) Fissidens
Key to Species
1b. Plants on earth, trees, or rocks, not normally submerged.. 4
4b. Leaves not bordered with long cells.. 11
11b. Margins of leaves coarsely to finely and evenly serrate.. 14
14b. Margins finely and evenly serrate.. 17
17b. Costa recurrent to shortly excurrent; sporophyte lateral.. 18
18a. Costa stout, usually filling the apex, short-excurrent; cells of upper leaf conically papillose or mamillose.. Fissidens taxifolius

Monday, October 31, 2011

Specimen #8: Mnium cuspidatum

                                           Figure 1: Close up of leaves

                                            Figure 2: Sporophyte

                                           Figure 3: Leaves arranged around the stem

Name: Mnium (Plagiomnium) cuspidatum
Family: Mniaceae
Common Name: woodsy moss
Collection Date:  October 20, 2011
Habitat: Growing under a tree
Location: The Nature Realm
Description: "Plants in dark green to yellow-green mats with fertile stems erect, 1-2cm high, on shaded soil and rocks, widespread in North America..(Conrad and Redfearn,1979)." 
Collector: Kelcie Cuckler

Key used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plant with stems and leaves,.. rhizoids multicellular,.. no elaters in capsule.. 2
2b. Plants not sphagnidae.. 3
3b. Plants not andreaeidae.. p.28 subclass bryidae

Key to Genera
1b. Green, brown, yellow plants.. not in 2 or 3 layers.. 3
3b. Leaves inserted in 3 or more rows.. 7
7b. Plants with a peristome of more than 4 teeth.. 8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent.. 9
9b. Capsule and leaves not as above.. 10
10b. Plants without a distinct stem, capsule with operculum.. 17
17b. Plants minute to large, capsules minute to exerted.. 20
20b. Leaves without photosynthetic outgrowths.. 28
28b. Plants don't only grow on organic matter.. peristome single or double.. 33
33a. Stems erect, unbranched, generally in tufts.. 34
34b. Leaves, especially bases, not as above.. 36
36b. Leaf cells smooth.. 83
83b. Plant growing on soil, rock, or trees but not forming long creeping stems.. 85
85b. Larger mosses, stems usually 4 mm or more tall, if minute, with persistent protonema.. 91
91b. Leaves in 5 ranks.. 92
92b. Leaves 1-5 times as long as broad.. 111
111b. Leaves bright or dark green.. 115
115b. Upper leaf cells quadrate, hexagonal, rhombic, or short-rectangular, 6 times or less as long as wide.. 118
118b. Upper leaf cells hexagonal, rhombic, or short-rectangular.. 125
125a. Marginal cells similar to those of lamina.. 132
132a. Upper leaf cells with pointed ends.. 133
133b. Plants not dendroid, smaller, to 5cm tall though usually smaller.. (p.129) Mnium
Key to Species
1b. Margins of leaves toothed.. 3
3b. Leaves with a border of elongated cells.. 4
4b. Marginal teeth single.. 8
8b. Erect fruiting stem arising from horizontal from horizontal runners.. 9
9b. Leaf cells longer in one axis than another, not precisely hexagonal.. 10
10b. Leaves much less broadly decurrent or not at all.. 11
11a. Leaves serrate only in upper 1/2 or 2/3.. Mnium cuspidatum

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Specimen #7 Star Moss

                                           Figure 1: Close up of leaves

                                    Figure 2: Leaves again (note that the leaves are very wilted and
                                    distorted compared to what they look like when growing in nature)

Name: Atrichum angustatum
Family:  Polytrichaceae
Common Name: star moss 
Collection Date:  October 20, 2011
Habitat: Growing in very moist soil on the ground
Location: The Nature Realm
Description: "Plants medium sized, in loose, dull, dark green to brownish-green tufts, on light, often sandy soil in woods, ditches, roadbanks, and disturbed areas..(Conrad and Redfearn,1979)." 

Collector: Kelcie Cuckler

Key used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plant with stems and leaves,.. rhizoids multicellular,.. no elaters in capsule.. 2
2b. Plants not sphagnidae.. 3
3b. Plants not andreaeidae.. p.28 subclass bryidae

Key to Genera
1b. Green, brown, yellow plants.. not in 2 or 3 layers.. 3
3b. Leaves inserted in 3 or more rows.. 7
7b. Plants with a peristome of more than 4 teeth.. 8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent.. 9
9b. Capsule and leaves not as above.. 10
10b. Plants without a distinct stem, capsule with operculum.. 17
17b. Plants minute to large, capsules minute to exerted.. 20
20b. Leaves without photosynthetic outgrowths.. 28
28b. Plants don't only grow on organic matter.. peristome single or double.. 33
33a. Stems erect, unbranched, generally in tufts.. 34
34b. Leaves, especially bases, not as above.. 36
36b. Leaf cells smooth.. 83
83b. Plant growing on soil, rock, or trees but not forming long creeping stems.. 85
85b. Larger mosses, stems usually 4 mm or more tall, if minute, with persistent protonema.. 91
91b. Leaves in 5 ranks.. 92
92b. Leaves 1-5 times as long as broad.. 111
111b. Leaves bright or dark green.. 115
115b. Upper leaf cells quadrate, hexagonal, rhombic, or short-rectangular, 6 times or less as long as wide.. 118
118b. Upper leaf cells hexagonal, rhombic, or short-rectangular.. 125
125b. Marginal cells slender, fusiform, not similar to cells of lamina.. 126
126a. Capsules erect; peristome single, composed of 32 teeth.. 127
127a. Leaves oval-oblong.. margins serrate.. costa bearing a few short lamellae.. (p.223) Atrichum 

Key to Species
1a. Upper leaf cells averaging 12-17 u in longest dimension; leaves narrow, those near the middle of the stem usually less than 1mm wide.. Atrichum angustatum


Friday, October 21, 2011

Specimen #6 Thuidium recognitum

                                           Figure 1: Close up of leaves

                                           Figure 2: Close up of the leaves insertion on the stem

                                           Figure 3: Leaf tip

Name: Thuidium recognitum
Family:  Thuidiaceae
Common Name: thuidium moss 
Collection Date:  October 20, 2011
Habitat: Growing on the soil by a pond
Location: The Nature Realm
Description: "Robust plants in rigid light-to-yellow-green or yellow-brown mats, stems 4-9cm long, on soil, humus,logs, tree bases in wet to dry woods.. (Conrad and Redfearn, 1979)."
Collector: Kelcie Cuckler

Key used: Conard, H.S. and P.L. Redfearn, Jr. 1979. How to Know the Mosses and Liverworts 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, Mass.
Keying Steps:
Introduction Key pg. 19
1a. Plant with stems and leaves,.. rhizoids multicellular,.. no elaters in capsule.. 2
2b. Plants not sphagnidae.. 3
3b. Plants not andreaeidae.. p.28 subclass bryidae

Key to Genera
1b. Green, brown, yellow plants.. not in 2 or 3 layers.. 3
3b. Leaves inserted in 3 or more rows.. 7
7b. Plants with a peristome of more than 4 teeth.. 8
8b. Leaves well developed and persistent.. 9
9b. Capsule and leaves not as above.. 10
10b. Plants without a distinct stem, capsule with operculum.. 17
17b. Plants minute to large, capsules minute to exerted.. 20
20b. Leaves without photosynthetic outgrowths.. 28
28b. Plants don't only grow on organic matter.. peristome single or double.. 33
33b. Stems creeping or ascending, usually extensively branched, in interwoven mats.. 139
139a. Leaves papillose, or at least on dorsal side and upper half of leaf.. 140
140b. Papillae located over the cell-cavity.. 150
150b. Plants not conspicuously fern-like or dendroid.. 152
152b. Leaves no oval, rounded at apex.. 153
153b. Leaves with single costa reaching the middle of leaf or beyond in some.. 159
159b. Plants not complanate.. 160
160b. Capsule when present exserted beyond perichaetial leaves.. 161
161b. Papillae not forming a single row over the center of cells.. 163
163b. Papillae smaller, often several or one cell.. 164
164b. Paraphyllia numerous, filamentous, mostly branched.. 172
172b. Paraphyllia not attached to leaves.. 173
173a. Apical cell of branch leaves crowned with 2-4 papillae.. p.174 Thuidium
Key to Species
1b. Plants large to robust; leaf cells stoutly unipapillose.. 4
4b. Stems 2-3 pinnate, spreading or curved-ascending.. 5
5a. Stem leaves spreading-recurved, papillae on paraphyllia near the upper end of the cell; perichaetial leaves without cilia.. Thuidium recognitum